Our Farmers’ Market’s are opening at Level 2!

After 7 weeks of being closed we are looking forward to setting up and welcoming everyone back.

It has just been confirmed that Public Venues are NOT restricted to 100 people. What a relief!!

However, we must:

  • Keep records to enable contact tracing. This will be done by and electronic option at the main entrances. Details are still being finalised, but set up your own QR Code to scan at www.idme.co.nz or we will have a paper option
  • Manage our numbers to ensure that:
    • every individual or group of 10 is kept 1 metre apart
    -no group has more than 10 people.

We are also going to ‘play it safe’. We will be asking customers to:

Sanitise hands before completing a contact register in entry into the market.
Act responsibly and use common sense to reduce risk.
Providing plenty of space for customers to maintain a physical distance of ideally 2 metres (1 at a minimum) from each other, while flowing through the market.
Groups of people coming to the market are limited to 10 people
Insisting if people are feeling unwell, that they please stay away from the market.

Stallholders have been given guideline by us on how to operate, which for now includes providing no tastings and only using their take away cups. You may find Stallholders have changed their stall layout and the way they serve you. There will also be no seating available.

We firmly believe that our customers need access to fresh, healthy, locally produced food. We ask you to support our local farmers and artisan food producers, many of whose livelihoods depend on their weekly trading at the market.

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